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Blitz Package - Week 15

Congrats if you are in the playoffs! In my two favorite leagues, I have made my conference championship. One I have won the past four years running, and the other is a very tough dynasty league where I am 0-2 in the conference match there. Let's hope to break something for luck to win them both, and for you guys as well. You are the best group of fans at any site.

Watch for my keeper rankings coming up in the next few weeks.

Please look at Shawn Culcasi's IDP strength of schedule, and Clayton Gray's strength of schedule, if you have some tough lineup choices to make. I like to look at the offense SOS's, and play LBs on teams that face strong running teams and DBs/DLs on teams that face strong passing ones.

If you have a tie between your #2 and #3 LB or #2 LB and #2 DB, I highly recommend that you go and read our Rushing and Passing matchups. When in doubt, start your LBs/SSs/DBs that are playing against RBs we say that have good or great matchups, and DBs that are playing against WRs that have good or great matchups. They will be on the field a long time, increasing your odds for high tackle/PD/INT numbers.

Keeper/Dynasty questions

With the season over for a lot of us, I am switching into dynasty/keeper mode. If you have any questions, comments or venting to do, please email [email protected].

TOP Watch

  • Seahawks -4
  • Falcons -4 (This could go either way. They played inspired D last week with Vick's return, but how will they do now that Reeves has been whacked?)
  • Chargers -3.5
  • Redskins -3
  • Chicago -3
  • Texans -3
  • Jets -3
  • Cleveland -2 (But given how well Portis has been playing this could be -3 or 4).

Blitz Packages

Defensive Lineman

  • DE Philip Daniels/DE Alex Brown/Bears DL
    The Vikings are still giving up too many sacks. So that means it's time for an Alex Brown appearance. The Bears DL should get 2 sacks out of this game with the possibility of more if the DBs can cover.

  • DE Charles Grant/Darren Howard/Saints DL
    They have got to be licking their chops at this one. They get a Giant OL giving up over three sacks per game AND an inexperienced QB to boot. Start your Saints DL as often as possible - this is a great opportunity.

  • DE Leonard Little/DE Grant Wistrom/Rams DL
    The Seahawks aren't doing a good job keeping pressure off Hass, and now they get to face Little and his fresh legs. I'd give him 2 sacks, and figure three total for the DL.

  • DE Bert Berry/DE Trevor Pryce/Broncos DL
    Also not doing a good job are the Browns OL. If the Bronco DBs cover just long enough, these guys will get 2-3 sacks easy.

  • DE Aaron Schobel/Bills DL
    The Titans aren't allowing many sacks, but the Bills are getting three sacks per game right now. If McNair starts (a big if), they will pound him and get a couple sacks.

  • DE Jason Taylor Dolphins
    Taylor has had a renaissance the past few weeks, but he should have trouble this week. The fins draw the Eagles and McNair. His elusiveness coupled with the good job they have been doing protecting him probably means an off day for Taylor.

  • DE Richard Seymour/Bobby Hamilton Patriots
    The match against the Jags this week looks bad, because the Jags have only allowed two sacks the past month. However, Leftwich is still a rookie, and I think that the Patriots D is going to frustrate him. Give the DL 1-2 sacks.

  • Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila/Packers DL
    This is another match that should be better than it suggests. The Packers are averaging three sacks per week, while the Chargers have only given up three the past month. But they Pack is getting a lot of pressure and should be able to frustrate and pound Flutie. And if the rumors are true and they start Brees, the Packs sack prospects should be even better.


  • OLB Terrell Suggs/Peter Boulware
    The Raiders have been giving up just under three sacks per game, but this week should probably be called "sackageddon". The Ravens are getting three per game. This tells me that the sack match for Baltimore is better than it appears on paper. Give the Ravens at least four sacks, with these guys probably getting at least one each.

  • WLB Chad Brown/Seahawks LBs
    The TOP match says that the Seahawks have a favorable match for their LBs. So these guys I would play at a #2 LB since they have been inconsistent, or of course #1 starters if you have no one else.

  • MLB Zeke Moreno/WLB Donnie Edwards Chargers
    What else can you say about good linbackers on a bad offensive team? You keep starting them no matter what. This week the TOP indicates a strong trend for them to produce well. I think 9-11 tackles should be right. And Moreno had a TD called back on a penalty last week, if you missed it.

  • MLB Brian Urlacher/SLB Lance Briggs
    Another strong TOP trend is for the Bears LBs. They should get 6-10 tackles as well. I am not sure what is going on with Urlacher's recent production, but from the rumors I hear I think that they changed their scheme up and he is befitting. Great news for the fantasy playoffs.

  • Browns LBs
    The revolving points door at the Browns LB spot continues. Last week it was Brant Boyer. This week is anyone's guess. But Clinton Portis is coming to town, so they should REALLY produce well. Start 'em if you got 'em.

  • Jamie Sharper/Jay Foreman Texans
    The Bucs have a big TOP advantage over the Texans, and that should translate into decent stats for the Texan LB corps. 7-10 should be about right for them.

  • WOLB Brian Allen Panthers
    He will be starting due to injuries to Fred Taylor, ERRRRR Dan Morgan.

  • WLB Sam Cowart/MLB Marvin Jones Jets
    The Bus comes to town, giving the Steelers a solid TOP advantage. Watch Cowarts injury status, because whoever replaces him should do well (whether it's Glenn or Hobson).

Defensive Backs

  • SS Deon Grant Panthers
    Grant is hot lately, and with teams seeming to figure out how to beat the once intimidating Panther squad, he should keep producing. Give him 6 tackles and a PD.

  • CB Charles Tillman/CB Jerry Azumah/Bears DBs
    If they cover the Viking WRs well enough, the Bear DL will force Culpepper to throw up some easy fly balls for this secondary to pick off. Give them 3-5 tackles and 2-3 PDs as well.

  • FS Tebucky Jones/Saints DBs
    Jessie Palmer will be facing pressure all day, and the same thing goes for him as for C-pep - only since he isn't as mobile the probability is higher that he'll throw up some bad junk that the Saints DBs should take advantage of. At least 2 picks seems right.

  • FS Earl Little/SS Robert Griffith Browns
    The TOP advantage that works to the Browns LBs works to their advantage as well. Give them 6-9 tackles.

  • FS Aeneas Williams/Rams DBs
    Another score would be nice, but he and his mates should get 2 interceptions this week given the amount of pressure their DL will get.

  • CB Ty Law/FS Eugene Wilson Patriots
    Given the way their DL is getting after enemy QBs, and since Leftwich is a rookie, they should do well. 1-2 picks and 2-4 PDs is their range.

  • CB Keith McKenzie/Packer DBs
    He got an interception last week and should get one again here. Flutie gambles way too much and will get pressured into 2 picks or one and a fumble.

That's it, good luck!

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